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Ebook Return Policy

HypeFoundation Ebook Return Policy

At HypeFoundation, we strive to provide our customers with high-quality eBooks and a satisfying shopping experience. Due to the digital nature of the products we sell, we do not offer refunds or returns for eBooks once they have been purchased and downloaded.

1. Technical Issues

If you experience any technical difficulties with your eBook download or access (such as a corrupted file or download error), please contact our customer support team within 14 days of purchase. We will work with you to resolve the issue or provide you with an alternate copy.

2. Mistaken Purchase

If you accidentally purchase the wrong eBook, please contact us within 24 hours of purchase. We may be able to assist you in exchanging the eBook for the correct one.

3. Quality Assurance

If you believe there is a quality issue with the eBook content itself, please reach out to us with specific details about the issue. We will review your concerns and may offer a replacement eBook or assistance.

4. Contact Us

For all inquiries, please reach out to our support team at hypefoundation01@gmail.com.

Thank you for shopping at HypeFoundation, and we hope you enjoy your reading experience!